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35 Kids Games You Can Play with Just a Ball

Welcome to the ultimate guide to 35 kids games you can play with just a ball!

Whether you’re indoors or outside, these exciting games will keep kids active, engaged, and entertained for hours. Get ready to have fun!

Classic Ball Games

1. Catch

Catch is a timeless game that’s simple to set up and can be played by kids of all ages.

How to Play:

  • Players stand a few feet apart and throw the ball back and forth.
  • If a player drops the ball, they can try again or take a step back for a challenge.


  • One-Handed Catch: Players must use only one hand to catch the ball.
  • Under the Leg Catch: Throw the ball under your leg for an added challenge.

2. Dodgeball

Dodgeball is an energetic game that’s perfect for groups. It encourages quick reflexes and teamwork.

Basic Rules:

  • Divide players into two teams.
  • Players throw the ball at opponents to try and hit them.
  • If hit, a player is out; they can re-enter if a teammate catches a ball.

Safety Tips:

  • Use soft balls to prevent injuries.
  • Encourage fair play and sportsmanship.


  • Doctor Dodgeball: One player is the “doctor” and can revive fallen teammates.
  • Protect the Pin: Each team has a pin to guard while trying to hit the opponents.

3. Kickball

Kickball combines elements of baseball and soccer, making it a versatile and fun game.

How to Play:

  • Set up bases in a diamond shape.
  • Players kick the ball and run to bases just like in baseball.
  • The opposing team tries to catch the ball and tag runners out.

Field Setup:

  • Use cones or other markers for bases.
  • A large open space is ideal for play.


  • Continuous Kickball: No stopping the game between plays, keeping it fast-paced.
  • Obstacle Kickball: Add obstacles around the bases for added fun.

4. Four Square

Four Square is a playground favorite that requires quick thinking and agility.

Basic Rules:

  • Draw a large square divided into four smaller squares.
  • Each player stands in one of the squares.
  • Players bounce the ball to each other, aiming to get others out by making them miss or breaking a rule.

How to Set Up:

  • Use chalk or tape to mark the squares.
  • A bouncy ball works best for this game.


  • King of the Court: The player in square one sets the rules for each round.
  • Power-Ups: Add special rules like double bounces or spin shots.

5. Monkey in the Middle

Monkey in the Middle is a game that’s as much about laughter as it is about skill.

How to Play:

  • Three players stand in a line with the “monkey” in the middle.
  • The outside players pass the ball over or around the monkey.
  • The monkey tries to intercept the ball.


  • Use fake throws to confuse the monkey.
  • Pass quickly to avoid interception.


  • Circle Monkey: More players form a circle with one or two monkeys in the middle.
  • Water Monkey: Play with water balloons for a fun summer twist.

These classic ball games provide a great foundation for fun and active play. They are easy to set up and require minimal equipment, making them perfect for any setting.

Whether you’re at home, in a park, or on a playground, these games are sure to bring smiles and laughter to kids of all ages.

kid games with just a ball

Team Ball Games

6. Soccer

Soccer is a globally loved sport that’s perfect for kids to learn teamwork and coordination.

Basic Rules:

  • Divide players into two teams.
  • Each team tries to score goals by getting the ball into the opposing team’s net.
  • Only goalkeepers can use their hands; other players use their feet to control and pass the ball.

Simplified Versions:

  • Mini Soccer: Play with smaller teams and a smaller field.
  • One-on-One: Two players compete to score in a small goal.

7. Basketball

Basketball is an exciting game that enhances agility, coordination, and teamwork.

Basic Rules:

  • Divide players into two teams.
  • Teams try to score by shooting the ball into the opponent’s hoop.
  • Players can dribble, pass, and shoot the ball.


  • Horse: Players take turns making shots. If a player misses, they get a letter. The first to spell “HORSE” loses.
  • Knockout: Players line up and take turns shooting. If the person behind makes a shot before you, you’re out.

8. Volleyball

Volleyball is a fun and engaging game that promotes teamwork and communication.

Basic Rules:

  • Divide players into two teams.
  • Teams try to hit the ball over the net and land it in the opponent’s court.
  • Each team can hit the ball up to three times before sending it over the net.


  • Newcomb Ball: Players catch and throw the ball instead of hitting it, making it easier for younger kids.
  • Beach Volleyball: Play on a sandy surface for added challenge and fun.

9. Handball

Handball is a fast-paced game that’s easy to learn and play.

Basic Rules:

  • Divide players into two teams.
  • Players pass the ball using their hands and try to throw it into the opponent’s goal.
  • Dribbling is allowed, similar to basketball.

Tips for Younger Kids:

  • Use a softer ball for safety.
  • Reduce the size of the playing area to keep the game manageable.

10. Baseball/T-Ball

Baseball and T-Ball are fantastic for teaching kids hand-eye coordination and team strategy.

Basic Rules:

  • Teams take turns batting and fielding.
  • The batting team tries to hit the ball and run around bases to score runs.
  • The fielding team tries to get batters out by catching the ball or throwing it to bases.

Simplified Versions:

  • T-Ball: Use a stationary tee to hold the ball for easier hitting.
  • Wiffle Ball: Play with a plastic bat and ball for a safer, indoor-friendly version.

These team ball games are not only fun but also teach important life skills like cooperation, strategy, and communication.

They can be adapted to suit different age groups and skill levels, ensuring that everyone can join in and enjoy the game.

Whether in a gym, a park, or your backyard, these games will bring out the competitive spirit and foster teamwork among kids.

kid games with just a ball

Solo Ball Games

11. Wall Ball

Wall Ball is a simple game that kids can play alone, improving their reflexes and coordination.

How to Play:

  • Stand a few feet away from a wall.
  • Throw the ball against the wall and catch it as it bounces back.
  • Try different angles and speeds for variety.


  • One-Handed Wall Ball: Use only one hand to catch the ball.
  • Timed Challenge: See how many catches you can make in a set amount of time.

12. Dribbling Skills (Basketball)

Practicing dribbling skills can help kids improve their control and agility with a basketball.

Basic Dribbling Drills:

  • Stationary Dribbling: Stand still and dribble the ball with one hand, then switch to the other hand.
  • Crossover Dribbling: Dribble the ball back and forth between your hands.
  • Figure-Eight Dribbling: Dribble the ball in a figure-eight pattern around your legs.

Fun Challenges:

  • Dribble Race: Set up a course and dribble the ball through it as fast as possible.
  • Dribble and Shoot: Combine dribbling with shooting practice.

13. Juggling (Soccer)

Juggling a soccer ball helps kids develop better foot-eye coordination and control.

Basic Techniques:

  • Start with the ball in your hands and drop it onto your foot.
  • Try to keep the ball in the air using your feet, knees, and head.
  • Count how many touches you can make before the ball hits the ground.

Challenges and Tricks:

  • Keepy-Uppy: See how long you can keep the ball in the air.
  • Around the World: Circle your foot around the ball while keeping it in the air.

14. Bounce and Catch

Bounce and Catch is a straightforward game that helps younger kids improve their hand-eye coordination.

How to Play:

  • Bounce the ball on the ground and catch it after it bounces.
  • Start with small bounces and gradually increase the height.


  • Clap and Catch: Clap your hands before catching the ball.
  • Spin and Catch: Spin around before catching the ball.

15. Target Practice

Target Practice is a fun way to improve aim and accuracy with any type of ball.

How to Play:

  • Set up targets using cones, bottles, or other objects.
  • Stand a few feet away and try to hit the targets with the ball.

Ideas for Different Targets:

  • Hula Hoop Targets: Hang hula hoops at different heights and aim through them.
  • Bucket Targets: Try to land the ball in buckets placed at varying distances.

Solo ball games are perfect for kids who want to practice their skills and have fun on their own.

These games can be easily adjusted to match the skill level of any child, making them accessible and enjoyable for all. They encourage individual improvement and provide a great way for kids to challenge themselves while having fun.

kid games with just a ball

Outdoor Ball Games

16. Kick the Can

Kick the Can is a classic outdoor game that combines elements of hide and seek with a ball game.

How to Play:

  • Set a can or a ball in an open area.
  • One player is “It” and guards the can while others hide.
  • The goal is for the hidden players to kick the can without being tagged by “It.”


  • Team Play: Divide into teams for a more strategic game.
  • Multiple Cans: Increase the difficulty by having multiple cans to kick.

17. Gaga Ball

Gaga Ball is a fast-paced game played in a pit that encourages quick reflexes and agility.

How to Play:

  • Players stand in a circular pit.
  • The game starts with a ball thrown into the center.
  • Players hit the ball with their hands, trying to strike other players below the knees.
  • If you’re hit below the knees, you’re out.

How to Set Up a Gaga Ball Pit:

  • Use walls or barriers to create a circular or octagonal pit.
  • A soft playground ball works best.

18. Scatterball

Scatterball is a free-for-all dodgeball game that’s great for large groups.

How to Play:

  • Players start with a ball in a designated area.
  • On a signal, everyone tries to hit others with their ball.
  • If hit, you must sit down until the player who hit you is out.


  • Life Tokens: Each player gets three tokens and loses one when hit. The last player with tokens wins.
  • Safe Zones: Designate safe zones where players can’t be hit.

19. SPUD

SPUD is a fun outdoor game that combines elements of tag and dodgeball.

How to Play:

  • Players gather in a circle, and one player is “It.”
  • “It” throws the ball up and calls out a player’s name.
  • The named player tries to catch the ball while others run away.
  • If they catch it, they call “SPUD” and everyone freezes. If not, they retrieve the ball and shout “SPUD” to freeze everyone.
  • The player then takes three steps and tries to hit a player with the ball. If hit, the player gets an “S.” If they catch it, the thrower gets an “S.”
  • Continue until someone spells “SPUD” and is out.

Safety Tips:

  • Use a soft ball to avoid injuries.
  • Ensure players understand the rules to avoid confusion.

20. 500 (Five Hundred)

500 is a fun game that focuses on catching and earning points.

How to Play:

  • One player is the thrower, and the others are catchers.
  • The thrower tosses the ball and calls out a point value (e.g., 100, 200).
  • Catchers try to catch the ball to earn points.
  • The first player to reach 500 points becomes the next thrower.


  • Negative Points: Add negative point values for more challenge.
  • Grounders: If the ball touches the ground, points are lost or gained based on additional rules.

Outdoor ball games offer kids a chance to enjoy fresh air and physical activity while having a blast. These games can be played in backyards, parks, or playgrounds and require minimal equipment.

They encourage kids to run, jump, and strategize, making them perfect for group play and outdoor fun.

Indoor Ball Games

21. Balloon Volleyball

Balloon Volleyball is a safe and fun indoor game that’s perfect for younger kids.

How to Play:

  • Set up a “net” using a piece of string or a row of chairs.
  • Use a balloon instead of a ball to avoid injuries.
  • Players hit the balloon back and forth over the net, trying to keep it off the ground.

Tips for Indoor Play:

  • Ensure the playing area is clear of breakable items.
  • Use multiple balloons for added excitement.

22. Ball and Spoon Race

This game combines balance and coordination in a fun relay race.

How to Play:

  • Give each player a spoon and a small ball (ping pong balls work well).
  • Players must carry the ball on the spoon from start to finish without dropping it.
  • If the ball drops, the player must start over.


  • Obstacle Course: Add obstacles to make the race more challenging.
  • Team Relay: Divide into teams and pass the ball from spoon to spoon.

23. Indoor Soccer

Indoor Soccer is a modified version of the classic game, perfect for playing in a gym or large room.

How to Play:

  • Use a soft ball to avoid damaging walls and furniture.
  • Set up goals using cones or other markers.
  • Play by standard soccer rules but adapt as needed for the indoor space.

Adjustments for Indoor Play:

  • Limit the number of players to prevent overcrowding.
  • Reduce the size of the playing area for easier control.

24. Knee Ball

Knee Ball is a unique and entertaining game where players must stay on their knees.

How to Play:

  • Players move around on their knees, trying to score goals by hitting the ball into the opponent’s goal.
  • Use a soft ball to prevent injuries.


  • Team Play: Divide into teams for more strategic play.
  • Timed Rounds: Play in short, timed rounds to keep the game fast-paced.

25. Crab Soccer

Crab Soccer is a fun twist on regular soccer where players move like crabs.

How to Play:

  • Players get into a crab position (hands and feet on the floor, belly facing up).
  • They move around in this position, trying to kick the ball into the opponent’s goal.

Safety Tips:

  • Use a soft ball to prevent injuries.
  • Ensure the playing area is free of obstacles.


  • Team Relay: Play in teams and pass the ball between players.
  • Crab Volleyball: Adapt the game to include a net and play volleyball style.

Indoor ball games provide a fantastic way for kids to stay active and have fun, even when the weather isn’t ideal for outdoor play.

These games are perfect for home, school gyms, or community centers, and they encourage physical activity, coordination, and teamwork. With minimal equipment needed, these games can be quickly set up and enjoyed by kids of all ages.

kid games with just a ball

Creative and Unique Ball Games

26. Human Foosball

Human Foosball is an exciting twist on the classic tabletop game, bringing it to life with real players.

How to Play:

  • Set up a foosball field with ropes or cones to mark the rows.
  • Players stand in their designated rows, holding onto ropes or standing behind cones.
  • Players can only move side to side within their row and must pass the ball to teammates to score goals.

Setup Tips:

  • Use a soft ball to avoid injuries.
  • Make sure the playing area is spacious enough for movement.

27. Ball Balance Relay

Ball Balance Relay is a fun game that challenges balance and coordination.

How to Play:

  • Divide players into teams.
  • Each player must balance a ball on a flat surface (like a plate or a frisbee) and carry it from start to finish.
  • If the ball falls, the player must start over.


  • Obstacle Course: Add obstacles for players to navigate around.
  • Different Surfaces: Use different balancing surfaces like books or trays.

28. Obstacle Course

Create an exciting ball-based obstacle course that tests agility and coordination.

How to Play:

  • Set up various obstacles like cones, hoops, and tunnels.
  • Players must dribble, carry, or throw the ball through the course.
  • Time each player to see who can complete the course the fastest.

Obstacle Ideas:

  • Dribble Around Cones: Set up cones to dribble around.
  • Through the Tunnel: Crawl through a tunnel while pushing the ball.
  • Target Throw: Throw the ball through a hoop before moving on.

29. Bowling with a Ball

Bowling with a Ball is a simple and fun game that can be played indoors or outdoors.

How to Play:

  • Set up pins using empty bottles or cones.
  • Players roll the ball to knock down as many pins as possible.
  • Keep score like traditional bowling or just play for fun.


  • Different Balls: Use different types of balls for variety.
  • Obstacle Bowling: Place obstacles in the lane for added challenge.

30. Ball Tag

Ball Tag combines the classic game of tag with the fun of a ball game.

How to Play:

  • One player is “It” and holds the ball.
  • “It” must tag other players by touching them with the ball.
  • When a player is tagged, they become “It.”


  • Freeze Tag: When tagged, players must freeze until another player unfreezes them by touching them.
  • Hot Potato Tag: Players pass the ball around while trying to avoid being tagged.

These creative and unique ball games are perfect for kids who want to try something new and exciting.

They encourage imaginative play, physical activity, and teamwork, making them great for parties, playdates, or any time kids are looking for a fun challenge. With a bit of creativity, these games can be adapted to suit any group size, age, or skill level.

Water Ball Games

31. Water Balloon Toss

Water Balloon Toss is a refreshing and fun game perfect for hot summer days.

How to Play:

  • Pair up players and give each pair a water balloon.
  • Players start close together and toss the balloon back and forth.
  • After each successful catch, players take a step back.
  • The game continues until the balloon bursts.


  • Overhead Toss: Toss the balloon over your head for an added challenge.
  • Underhand Toss: Switch to underhand tosses to mix things up.

32. Pool Volleyball

Pool Volleyball brings the excitement of volleyball to the water, making it a cool and enjoyable game.

How to Play:

  • Set up a net across the pool.
  • Divide players into two teams.
  • Teams hit the ball back and forth over the net, trying to land it in the opponent’s side of the pool.

Safety Tips:

  • Ensure the pool is deep enough for safe play.
  • Use a lightweight, waterproof ball.

33. Water Soccer

Water Soccer is a fun twist on traditional soccer, played in shallow water.

How to Play:

  • Set up goals at each end of the pool or shallow water area.
  • Players try to kick the ball into the opposing team’s goal.
  • Normal soccer rules apply, but players must stay in the water.


  • One-on-One: Play with fewer players for a more intense game.
  • Beach Soccer: Play on a sandy beach for a different experience.

34. Wet Dodgeball

Wet Dodgeball combines the excitement of dodgeball with the refreshing element of water.

How to Play:

  • Use water balloons as the dodgeballs.
  • Divide players into two teams.
  • Players try to hit opponents with water balloons to get them out.

Safety Tips:

  • Ensure players throw gently to avoid injuries.
  • Use biodegradable water balloons to minimize environmental impact.

35. Splash and Catch

Splash and Catch is a simple and fun water game that helps improve hand-eye coordination.

How to Play:

  • Players stand in a circle in a pool or shallow water.
  • One player starts by tossing a ball to another player.
  • The game continues with players tossing and catching the ball while staying in the water.


  • Keep Away: One player tries to intercept the ball while others pass it around.
  • Hot Potato: Pass the ball quickly to avoid being caught with it when a timer goes off.

Water ball games are a fantastic way to stay cool and have fun during the summer.

These games encourage physical activity, teamwork, and coordination, all while providing a refreshing break from the heat.

They can be played in pools, at the beach, or in any shallow water setting, making them versatile and enjoyable for kids of all ages.


Recap of the Benefits of Ball Games

Ball games are a wonderful way for kids to stay active, develop important skills, and have fun. They offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Physical Activity: Keeping kids moving and healthy.
  • Coordination and Motor Skills: Enhancing hand-eye coordination, balance, and agility.
  • Teamwork and Social Skills: Promoting cooperation, communication, and fair play.
  • Problem-Solving: Encouraging strategic thinking and quick decision-making.

Encouragement to Try New Games

Don’t be afraid to try out new games from this guide! Whether you’re looking for a classic favorite, a team-based challenge, or a solo activity, there’s something here for everyone. Experiment with different variations and find what works best for your group.

Invitation to Share Experiences and Favorite Ball Games

We’d love to hear about your experiences with these games! Share your favorite ball games, any unique twists you’ve added, and how much fun you’ve had. Your feedback and stories can inspire others to get out and play.

Final Thoughts and Tips for Safe Play

  • Safety First: Always ensure a safe playing environment and use appropriate equipment to prevent injuries.
  • Adaptability: Modify games to suit the age and skill level of the players, ensuring everyone can participate and have fun.
  • Encouragement: Foster a positive and supportive atmosphere where all kids feel encouraged to join in and try their best.

Playing ball games is a timeless way to bring joy and excitement to any setting. So grab a ball, gather some friends or family, and get ready to have a blast!

kid games with a ball pin
kid games with a ball pin